Most of us live our entire lives from the outside in instead of the inside out, yet to realize our own true nature from the outside is said to be impossible. When we choose to live with true intimacy with ourselves and others, we always express our our original and authentic self. It's one thing to tell ourselves that we are all connected or that we live life to love and to be loved. It's another thing entirely to live that realization from our awakened, fully-formed selves, when we not only remember our True Nature, but also remember that everything we ever needed to live a fully-realized was already there within us all along.

It takes great courage to sit with one self. Most avoid it at all costs, and distractions abound in seemingly endless forms with each new gadget. What we find when we truly sit with ourselves, is the answer to our frustration, to our agitation, to our discontent; it's our Original Mind that has been buried under years of conditioning and distraction. It's the place where genuine, unshakable happiness truly does exist.

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From the Zendo

It feels slightly strange to post a testimonial for a course in Zen, but I was so moved by Awakening your Buddha that I couldn’t resist. If you have any interest in discovering Zen Buddhism in a way that applies to today, buy this course. – Dennis T. / On “Awakening Your Buddha

Never thought learning about Zen could be fun at the same time! The course was more comprehensive than I thought.  Getting me to recognize my own illusions and delusions that I didn’t even know I had was an impressive feat.  My most sincere thanks, Sensei. – James T. / On “Awakening Your Buddha

MyZen Blog

Spiritual Reconnection

Introduction The Western world has done a fantastic job of masking our disconnection to our natural spiritual connection to the ...

What is NonDuality?

In simplest terms, nonduality is the absence of opposites, meaning literally; “not two.” As humans, we exist in a continual ...

Key Pop Quizzes

The way it works is simple:  Simply observe your own reactions to any negative feedback.  If someone cuts me off ...