Author Archive | Sensei Keith

Spiritual Reconnection

Introduction The Western world has done a fantastic job of masking our disconnection to our natural spiritual connection to the Divine, to each other and to this suffering planet of ours. As modern scholars state, institutionalized or “book” religions have become an incredibly effective inoculation against discovering our true nature, as science and materialism has […]

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What is NonDuality?

In simplest terms, nonduality is the absence of opposites, meaning literally; “not two.” As humans, we exist in a continual state of duality by our very nature; there’s good/bad, god/devil, happy/sad, love/hate, and everything in between.  “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” is one of those phrases that’s etched into our […]

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Key Pop Quizzes

The way it works is simple:  Simply observe your own reactions to any negative feedback.  If someone cuts me off in traffic, if someone tells me that my anger often seems inappropriate for the situation, or if I’m told that I’m being stubborn, that I’m not listening, that I’m not “hearing” someone of the feelings […]

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Healthy Mind Before Zen Mind

I was so deeply convinced I knew myself and had a healthy mind, and was gifted with a mind bright enough to intellectualize my way through my own delusion for years.  It wasn’t until I was in a place I never dreamed I would be; I found myself in such continual pain because of an […]

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From the Outside In

This will be a detailed talk on what I mean when I say; “living from the outside in instead of the inside out.”  First, define it as clearly as possible.  Ask Hanalei for a definition.  Then, offer a great example; falling in love.  Those who live form the inside out don’t get to fall in […]

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What is Practice?

Perhaps the best way to describe Practice is to begin with a simple metaphor: There’s only so much we can do to get a seed to sprout and transform into a plant.  And what we’re really doing for that seed is creating the conditions that will help it grow more than anything else.  It’s the […]

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Before reading anything else, perhaps check out MyZEN 101 to get a feel for whether the information here might be for you.  If that resonates with you, then I encourage you to explore more.  Start anywhere that feels good to you; there is no specific order of events beyond a few basics that may help get […]

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