What is Practice?


Perhaps the best way to describe Practice is to begin with a simple metaphor: There’s only so much we can do to get a seed to sprout and transform into a plant.  And what we’re really doing for that seed is creating the conditions that will help it grow more than anything else.  It’s the same with Practice.  It’s not a head down, charge ahead determination that “gets” us something.  Practice is creating the conditions that will allow us to grow, to keep us on the path to clarifying our own truth.  CREATE THE CONDITIONS FOR GROWTH.  Create a set of conditions that support our practice.  Working towards something is the opposite of what Practice is for.

ALSO: “Alive to the Moment” by Loori, 25:00-ish in is an EXACT DEFINITION.  This one should be a FUN one to write!

Find a Koan on PRACTICE, and perhaps use that as my basis for this article?

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